January 2023 Symposium Recordings

The presenters at The New Rules for Work Online Symposium included a deliberate mix of over 56 professional facilitators, business leaders, technologists, global change agents, and published scientists.
Our common intellectual thread is a belief in the power of creative teams to change the world for the better.

The Symposium was conducted entirely online. All materials are hosted in CrowdComms.

Here are just a few of the topics we explored.

Full Agenda

Here’s what we covered during this kickoff event.

Tuesday, January 17th
Start TimePresenterSession Title
14:30 GMT / 9:30 ET /
6:30 PT / 1:30 AEDT (next day)
New Rules for Work HostsWelcome! Why We’re Here & What to Expect
15 GMT / 10 ET /
7 PT / 2 AEDT
Charlie Hoehn
Play Cure Inc.
How to Unlock Creativity Through The Power of Play
16 GMT / 11 ET /
8 PT / 3 AEDT
Lightning Talks
Matt Chadder
Instinct Laboratory
Understanding the Power of Environmental Space on Human Creativity, Collaboration, and Innovation
Dr. Melanie Brucks
Columbia Business School
When Virtual Communication Might Curb Creativity
Elizabeth Zavodsky
Making Climate Action Fun
17:30 GMT / 12:30 ET /
9:30 PT / 4:30 AEDT
Keith McCandless
(Liberating Structures) &
Nancy White
(Full Circle Associates)
A Door Opens – Making Space for Innovation
19 GMT / 2 PM ET /
11 PT / 6 AEDT
Dr. Michael Platt
Wharton Neuroscience Initiative
The Neuroscience of Teaming
21 GMT / 4 PM ET /
1 PM PT / 8 AEDT
Chris Bent
Facilitated Mixer: An Abundant Exchange
22 GMT / 5 PM ET /
2 PM PT / 9 AEDT
Genein Letford
CAFFE Strategies
Intercultural Creativity® for Leadership: The Ace Up Your Sleeve for the Future of Work
23 GMT / 6 PM ET /
3 PM PT / 10 AEDT
Dr. Myriam Hadnes
Never Done Before
Are we solving the right problem? Slowing down to speed up in 3 steps
00:30 GMT / 7:30 PM ET /
4:30 PM PT / 11:30 AEDT
New Rules for Work HostsDay 1 in Review: Three ways to collect feedback
Wednesday, January 18th
Start TimePresenterSession Title
9 GMT / 4 ET /
1 PT / 20 AEDT
Judy Rees &
Steve McCann
Rees McCann Limited
Metaphors All The Way Down: Clean Language for Innovative Teams
10 GMT / 5 ET /
2 PT / 21 AEDT
Lightning Talks
Jules Gilleland
Think with Things
Think with Things to Go from Play to Work and Back to Play!
Niels Anhalt
Don’t the best ideas emerge overnight?
David Chislett
Weapon of Mass Creation
Rule 1: There are no RULES!
11:30 GMT / 6:30 ET /
3:30 PT / 22:30 AEDT
Thomas Lahnthaler
Crisis Compass
How to Foster a Culture of Creativity Using Disruption, Constraints, and Deception!
14:30 GMT / 9:30 ET /
6:30 PT / 1:30 AEDT
Advisor Panel featr.
Dr. Samantha Dubrow
The MITRE Corporation
Tips for Collecting Great Experiment Data
15 GMT / 10 ET /
7 PT / 2 AEDT
Loren Edelstein
(Northstar Meetings Group) &
Bruce McIndoe
(McIndoe Risk Advisory LLC)
Current and Future Risks of Travel, Meetings, and Humanity
16 GMT / 11 ET /
8 PT / 3 AEDT
Lightning Talks
Wayne Turmel
Remote Leadership Institute
The 3Cs of Culture No Matter Where People Are
Heather Martinez
Tech Host Academy
Tech Hosting: Adding the Skill Set to Your Existing Role
Annette Gregory-McArthur
Talent for Good
Using Consent-Based Decision Making to Launch Complex Initiatives into Action
17:30 GMT / 12:30 ET /
9:30 PT / 4:30 AEDT
Tricia Conyers &
John Norcross
Every Little Model
Innovation, Engagement, and the Bigger Brain
19 GMT / 2 PM ET /
11 PT / 6 AEDT
Lightning Talks
Mark Russell
Author of Superman, The Flinstones, & God is Disappointed in You
The Creative Power and Process of Comics
Dr. Roni Reiter-Palmon
University of Nebraska at Omaha
The Research Perspective on When (and When NOT) to Invite Creativity
Brenna Simmons-St. Onge
The Alliance Center
The Age of Regeneration
21 GMT / 4 PM ET /
Shishir Mehrotra
Innovation Rituals of Great Teams
22 GMT / 5 PM ET /
2 PM PT / 9 AEDT
Nathan Coutinho
The New Logic of Work: A Smarter Vision for Hybrid
23 GMT / 6 PM ET /
3 PM PT / 10 AEDT
Mini Workshops
Kevin Joyce
(EnJoy Productions) &
Betty Ray
(Center for Ritual Design)
Reverence and Irreverence: How Humor and Ritual Make Meetings Matter
Anca Castilo &
Cary Lopez
How the heck did we just do that? A case study about the creative power of a good process
00:30 GMT / 7:30 PM ET /
4:30 PM PT / 11:30 AEDT
Advisors and HostsAsk Us Anything!
Get Ready for the Design Competition & Experiment
Thursday, January 19th
Start TimePresenterSession Title
9 GMT / 4 ET /
1 PT / 20 AEDT
Cate Czerwinski
Cate Facilitates
Facilitated Mixer:
An Abundant Exchange
10 GMT / 5 ET /
2 PT / 21 AEDT
Lightning Talks
Hassan Ghiassi
The Dialogic Approach
Lean Into Difficult Conversations to Unblock Creativity
Steve Bather
Realise Group
Using Technology to Unleash Team Creativity, Innovation Practice, and Facilitation
Anamaria Dorgo
Exploring the Conditions for Connection
11:30 GMT / 6:30 ET /
3:30 PT / 22:30 AEDT
Dr. Maha Bali
American University in Cairo
Using Intentionally Equitable Hospitality in Hybrid/Digital Learning/Meeting Spaces
13 GMT / 8 ET /
5 PT / 0 AEDT (Next day)
Michael Lee & Mark Dodsworth
World Creativity and Innovation Week
How Might Creativity Help Save the Planet? An Interactive Exploration
14:30 GMT / 9:30 ET /
6:30 PT / 1:30 AEDT
Advisors and HostsAsk Us Anything!
Get Ready for the Design Competition & Experiment
15 GMT / 10 ET /
7 PT / 2 AEDT
James Frankis (Convene),
Rowan de Bruin (Mapiq)
Ryan Anderson (MillerKnoll)
Panel: Creating a Future-Fit Workplace Now
16 GMT / 11 ET /
8 PT / 3 AEDT
Lightning Talks
Bruce Honig
Idea Guides
The BETA Approach to Building Creative Capacity
Kristin York Brennan
Beyond the Status Quo: Unleashing Creativity in Change-Averse Environments
17:30 GMT / 12:30 PM ET /
9:30 PT / 4:30 AEDT
Jim Kalbach &
Mark Tippin
Balancing Participation in Hybrid Meetings
19 GMT / 2 PM ET /
11 PT / 6 AEDT
Dr. Joseph Allen
The University of Utah
The Science Says!
Top Five Recommendations from Science for Effective Meeting Designs
Henry Hall
Does every event need to be a hybrid event?
21 GMT / 4 PM ET /
1 PM PT / 8 AEDT
Marysia Czarski
Ignition Creativity
Generating and Leading a Climate of Creativity and Collaboration
22 GMT / 5 PM ET /
2 PM PT / 9 AEDT
Michael Arena
Connected Commons
Innovating Through Networks in a Hybrid World
23 GMT / 6 PM ET /
3 PM PT / 10 AEDT
Ben Crothers
Bright Pilots
And then what happened?
Capturing Results & Inspiring Next Steps
00:30 GMT / 7:30 PM ET /
4:30 PM PT / 11:30 AEDT
Advisors and HostsIn Closing: Let’s confirm next steps!

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