Become a Program Partner
We’re bringing together innovative, creative, and influential people from around the world to lead an unprecedented experiment. This program is a catalyst. The results will seed innovation and drive workforce policy for years to come.
Why Partner
When you become a partner, you will:
Advance the future of work and accelerate the search for innovative solutions to global challenges.
Gain exposure and collaborate with a network of innovators, educators, and organizational leaders.
Showcase your support for hybrid-ready, resilient workplaces.
Speed up the research analysis by helping fund research assistants.
Advance your thought leadership and portfolio development.
Learn and work with some of the most famous thought leaders and scientists in the world.
Partnership Levels
Premier Partner
$50k (limit 5)
Collaborate in all parts of the program by supporting the experiment, sharing solutions, and actively driving thought leadership.
Solutions Partner $10k
Share your solutions with teams participating in the global experiment.
Supporting partner $2500
Highlight your brand’s support for open innovation, collaboration, and hybrid work.
We believe you should join us
Currently seeking Partners and Festival SponsorsÂ
Add-Ons & Other Ways To Engage
It’s an ideation/innovation project! How could you best support this work in a way that also benefits your organization?
- Sponsor Sustainable Swag
- Sponsor Snacks or Happy Hour at the Gathering
- Promote this project
- Invite a speaker to your company