Intent to Impact: NR4W January 2024


January 24, 2024 - January 26, 2024    
All Day


Palm Venture Studios
4901 E Cesar Chavez, Austin, TX, 78702

Event Type

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Our inaugural New Rules for Work (NR4W) research project winds to a close after over a year-and-a-half of planning, symposium, design competitions, experiments, and data collection. We want to celebrate the process, the results, and the participation with a three-day festival that builds on the insights gained over the past year and sets the stage for a fabulous year ahead.

Intent to Impact

In an era where change is the only constant, “NR4W Intent to Impact 2024” is your launchpad for 2024 and beyond. Designed for leaders who embrace both intentionality and agility, this three-day event will redefine how you think about teamwork, adaptability, and success. Get ready to set your course and then learn how to pivot—effortlessly and strategically—as the winds of change blow. Whether you’re steering a remote squadron or an in-person brigade, prepare to walk away with a transformational guide for yourself and a robust process for establishing dynamic team agreements on-the-fly.

We’ll gather an intimate group in Austin for three days of workshops, networking, and insights presentations.

For Day 2, our Austin group will be joined online by participants from around the world for a mix of lightning talks, hands-on workshops, inspiring keynotes, and meaningful networking.

More details coming soon. Already know you want to join? Get early bird tickets here.

Early bird prices are good through November 10.

  • Full Event Pass, 3 Days in Austin, Tx: $495
  • Day 2 Virtual Pass: $87
    ($47 for low income participants)